charlotte hierlihy
AND savoy
1809 New Brunswick Memorial of Charlotte Hierlihy
Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
Memorial of Charlotte Hierlihy
October 26, 1809
Exact Transcription of Content from the Original by Mary Lynn Smith
To His Excellency Martin Hunter Esqr Lieutnant Governor and Commander in chief of His Majesty’s Province of New Brunswick
The Memorial of Charlotte Hierlihy
most Humbly Sheweth That your Memorialist having been one of the first Settlers on Miramichie River and after many trying Difficultys brought up a numerous Family was obliged to remove from thence for want of Hay lands, at the time of her removal, the River Tabisisintack being entirely uninhabited by any English Settler, your Memorialists late Husband Phillip Hierlihy, thought proper to make a settlement on that river – your Memorialist begs leave to -? Your Excellency that is the lands surveyed -? -? By Dougal Campbell Esq in 1803 there is no Marsh, and that she is at present wholely Destitute of the means of Keeping any Stock, except your Excellency will be pleased to Grant her the privilege of the Hay, Grass on the Glebe Lot, untill such time as an Established Clergyman is settled at Tabusintack the same having been promised your Memorialist by D. Campbell Esqr at the time of Survey Hoping that your Excellency will be pleased to take your Memorialists Situation ino consideration, as in Duty bound will ever Pray
2th Oct. 1809 –
The lot Surveyed for Charlotte Hierlihi contains a large tract of Marsh and is rekoned one of the best Lots – there is a Marsh Lot annexed to the upland Lot reserved for a Glebe on which about 12 Tons of hay may be annually cut as reported to me.
G. Sproule
Charlotte Hierlihy asks permission to cut the Grass on the Lot reserved for a Glebe at Tabusintac.
In Council 27th Octr. 1809
Cannot be complied with.
26th October 1809
pd. 10 s.
Note from Mary Lynn Smith: The above-noted Memorial does not appear to have the signature of Charlotte Hierlihy. At the same time it is possible that the signature may have faded out.
1809 New Brunswick Memorial of David Savoy
Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
Memorial of David Savoy
October 26, 1809
See Imagery/Images for full view.
Exact Transcription of Content from the Original by Mary Lynn Smith
To The Honorable Martin Hunter Esq,r President of His Majesty’s Council, and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick
The Memorial of David Savoy of Tabusintack
Respectfully Sheweth That he has been settled with His family upon a Lot at this River upwards of four years, which he does not find sufficient for his support he therefore humbly prays that your Honour will be pleased to order another lot to be given to him called No. 5 – on the French Cove, making with his other Lot about 350 Acres – in the whole.
The said Lot No. 5 – was surveyed in 1804 for Charles Breaux, who has removed to Neguac, without making any improvement upon it as will appear by the annexed certificat
David Savoy’s X Mark
26th October 1809 – The above statement is correct
Geo: Sproule J: G
to all whome it may concarne this is to sartify that the Lot ? by D -? Esqr to Charles -? In Tabishintack has never had eany think done upone it and the mash is a Commons as Witness our hands the 16 october 1809
William Wishart
-? Savoy
… Never hath -? the least improvement made on the said Lot, and the Marsh thereto belonging -? was since been -? in Common Witness our ?
Dated at Tabisintack this -? Th October 1809
John Blake
David Savoy
27th Octobr 1809
Complied with
26th October 1809
Pd.. 10 s.