1811 DEED
Deed Northumberland County Records
Provincial Archives of New Brunswick F5312
Volume 9 Pages 168-9 Number 93
Copied from Charlotte: Mother of Tabusintac by Kimberley A. Branch 1995
Deed (Transcription)
Philip Hierlihy, James Hierlihy, Honnor Hierlihy, Charlote Mary Stymist, and Elenaar Savoy
Know All Men by these presents, that we Philip Hierlihy, James Hierlihy, Honnor Hierlihyy, Charlote Mary Stymist and Elenaar Savoy of the Parish of Newcastle County of Northumberland and Province of New Brunswick, for and in Consideration of the Sum of 350 pounds Current money of the said Province to me in hand paid by Hugh MacDonald of Newcastle County and Province aforesaid. Gentlemen the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge and from which and every part and parcel thereof we for ourselves, our heirs, Executors, and Administrators do acquit and fully discharge the said Hugh MacDonald, his heirs and Assigns Have, Granted, Bargained, Sold, enfeoffed, and confirmed and by these presents do We the said Philip Hierlihy, James Hierlihy, Honour Hierlihy, Charlotte Mary Stymist and Elenaar Savoy for ourselves our Heirs, Executors and administrators do grant, Bargain, Sell, Infeoff and Confirm unto the said Hugh MacDonald his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land known by the same of Lot N. 9. Situate on the South Side of Miramichi River and bounded on the West by N. 10 Granted to Mrs. Charlotte Hierlihy and on the east by No. 8 Granted to John Blake and Granted by His Majestys to Philip Hierlihy by letters pattent Witnessed by Thomas Carleton Esquire Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of His majesty’s said Province of New Brunswick bearing date at Fredericton the Fourth day of May in the year of our Lord 1798. Reference to said Grant or letters patent will fully and at large appear. To have and to hold the said Bargained and granted Premises with all the buildings and improvements thereon together with all and every privilege and privileges, advantage and advantages, benefits and appurtanances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining to him the said Hugh MacDonald his heirs and assigns as a good and lawful Estate in fee Simple and to his and their only use behoof forever. And we the said Philip Hierlihy, James Hierlihy, Honour Hierlihy, Charlotte Mary Stymist and Elenaar Savoy for ourselves our heirs, Executors and adinistrators do Covenant and agree to and with the said Hugh MacDonald his heirs and assigns that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Hugh MacDonald his heirs and assigns immediately after the date hereof of these presents, to enter upon and take Possession of and at all times forever, hereafter peaceably and quietly to have, hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy the said bargained Premises and furthermore we the said Philip Hierlihy, James Hierlihy, Honour Hierlihy, Charlotte Mary Stymiest, and Elenaar Savoy our heirs, Executors and administrators will safe and harmless keep warrant and defend the said, Hugh MacDonald, his heirs and assigns in the aforesaid premises of every kind and description from all other Grants, Bargains, Sales, Gifts, Martgages, Jointures, Intails or any other Incumbrance or incumbrances, whatsoever heretofore made or suffered to be made by us the said Philip Hierlihy, James Hierlihy, Honour Hierlihy, Charlotte Mary Stymist, and Elenaar Savoy our heirs and assigns. The said Hugh MacDonald being alnwise understood to discharge the quit rents and other conditions and Covenants in said Grant or Letters Patent – In witness whereof we the said heirs of Philip Hierlihy, Deceased Charlotte Hierlihy Senr James Hierlihy, Philip Hierlihy, Honour Hierlihy, Charlotte Mary Stymist and Elenaar Savoy Have hereunto our hands and seals Subscribed and set the 18th Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven, and fifty first year of his Majesty’s Reign.
Signed, sealed and delivered Charlotte Hierlihy
In presence of Alexr MacDonald, James Davidson Elenor Savoy
Charlotte Stymist
Honnor Hierlihy
James Wm Hierlihy
Benjamin Stymist
Northumberland County. Be it remembered that on the 4th day of October, 1811 before me Joseph Horne, Esquire personally appeared Philip Hierlihy, James W. Hierlehy, Eleanor Savoy, Charlotte M. Stymist and Honour Hierlehy and acknowledged the within Instrument to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposed in the same contained. Joseph Horne, Esquire Andw Reid, Register