1812 DEED
charlotte HIERLeHY
Northumberland County Records
Provincial Archives of New Brunswick F5312
Volume 9 Page 247 Number 130
Copied from Charlotte: Mother of Tabusintac by Kimberley A. Branch 1995
Charlotte Hierlehy
Deed – Registered April 6, 1812 (Transcription)
To all people whom these presents shall come, I Charlotte Hierlehy do send greeting. Know Ye, That I said Charlotte Hierlehy widow of Tabusintack in the County of Northumberland and Province of New Brunswick for and in consideration of the love and good will and affection and also five shillings to me in hand Paid the receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge, which I have and do bear towards my loving son William Wishet of the same Parish and County have given and granted unto the said William Wishet, his heirs, executors or Administrators all that tract or parcel of land laying on the South Side of the River Miramichi (being Lot No. Ten) County and Province aforesaid of which (before the signing of these Presents) I have delivered him the said William Wishet the aforesaid Land, to have and to hold, in Fee
Simple to his heirs executors or administrators from henceforth as his and their proper right, absolutely without any manner of condition. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal the Sixth day of April 1812.
In presence of Alexr. Allan Charlotte Hierlehy (L.S.)
Northumberland County. Be it remembered that on the Sixth day of April in the year of our Lord 1812, Personally appeared before me Alexr. Allan Esquire one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the said County Charlotte Hierlehy the within named Grantor who declared that she signed sealed and delivered the within written Instrument for the purposes therein mentioned.
Alexr. Allan J.P. Newcasle (to wit)