Two 1841 newspaper obituaries for Charlotte Heirlihey are provided here for reference. One was published nine days before the other. Those death notices indicated that Charlotte was 88 or 89 when she died, not 85. Her Tabusintac neighbour, Jane Harkness, was 70 or 71.
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With respect to the obituary of Robert Charles Blake (grandson of Charlotte Taylor), there is skepticism regarding the accuracy of some of the information included in the obituary. More specifically, historical events and personages may have been telescoped/conflated.
Note1: The RC Blake newspaper clipping was provided by Jane, who received it from Susan. These individuals are Blake descendants who wish to keep their last names private. Thanks to both Jane and Susan for their contribution-making! The source newspaper is not known.
Note2: R.C. Blake was born at Tabusintac on 24 June 1825. He died at age 89 on 27 May 1914 at Saugus, Massachusetts, USA. Burial was on 29 May 1914 in Moncton, New Brunswick. Reference is made to The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Standard Certificate of Death No. 379.
Interestingly, the 1921 Census of Canada – Quebec – Chicoutimi – Saguenay – Sub-District 90 – Rigolet Hamilton Inlet enumerated the Head of Dwelling 19 as John Blake, age 40, Labourer. This meant that he was born circa 1881. He worked for the HBC, and as per his daughter’s information his right arm had been amputated. In his possession was an artificial limb that he had never used, “brand-new in a wooden box . . . fingers moved . . . and elbow bended.” Who supplied that artificial limb to John Blake? Could the supplier be linked to Robert Charles Blake, who built artificial limbs at one time during his varied work life? Were Robert Charles Blake and John Blake related? Food for thought!
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